PINO Kinesiology Tape Sport Black


PINOTAPE Sport black with extra strong adhesion for the use of functional, reflective taping methods

SKU: PH24 Category:

Specifically designed to meet the demands of high-performance athletes, this versatile tape delivers consistent, reliable quality for both professional physiotherapy use and home care.

PINOTAPE Sport is engineered to provide targeted muscle support while maintaining full range of motion, making it ideal for any athletic activity. Its durable design ensures optimal tension and effectiveness, even during extended wear.

  • Supports joint problems and muscle injuries (also ideal for runner's or jumper's knee, golfer's and tennis elbow and unstable shoulder)
  • Withstands all sports activities
  • Particularly long wearing time
  • Rayon is particularly fast-drying

The assumption of an effect is based on possible tendencies in studies, many individual case reports and empirical values. It is not considered evidence-based. The mode of action is also purely hypothetical so far.

Dimensions: L x W: 5 m x 5 cm

1 roll of PINOTAPE in the dispenser box